a little bit more

About Utkarsh Animal Welfare Movement


We speak for those who cannot

speak for themselves

Utkarsh Animal Welfare Movement is one of the primary movements of Utkarsh Global Foundation, a non-profit organisation working toward the betterment of the society through different causes. The Foundation is also actively involved in other movements including women’s education and empowerment, environmental protection, social justice and empowerment, disaster preparedness, road safety awareness and more, since 2010.

Utkarsh Animal Welfare Movement aims at the well-being of all animals, from wild and domestic, strays and pets to birds and reptiles. It strives to ensure protection to animals through care, rescue and rehabilitation, education and information, legal awareness and involvement of general public. Utkarsh Global Foundation has set up a free hospital for the treatment and care of strays in Mumbai. The hospital was established in November 2006 and treats common and severe ailments in addition to accident cases. Every month, more than 4000 animals are treated at the hospital via OPD, IPD and on-the-spot ambulance treatment.

Our Vision

To create a better world, where there is no human-animal conflict, where animals are protected, cared for and accepted as co-habitants of the planet

Our Mission

To save every living animal in the world and to help them lead a healthy, dignified and happy life, through public participation

Help & Support

We require all your help and support for the welfare of animals